
Our latest two weeks of Service (01/10/12 - 14/10/12)

Habbibs-a lot has happened since we last updated our blog. This week we started our proper Services in Deir el Kamar and Antillias. In these homes the service is different to the one in Deir el Salib. In Deir el Kamar we take care of a group of 18 girls at a time for one hour and do group activities with them. But before that, we make a huge singing round and visit every room of the girls who stay in bed every day. On Monday we played „Olympic Games“with the girls, consisting of Stop Dance, Pot-hitting and Egg and Spoon Race. It was a lot of fun and we laughed a lot, mainly because it didn‘t work out as expected and it was quiet chaotic!! Last week in Antillias we got introduced to the sisters and had a short service with the Boys. On the weekend we were invited by Dr Issa to Sourat, into his house in the mountains and spent three very relaxing days there. We visited an old cave, a very nice church, called “Notre Dame de la Mer”and an old roman temple (more like the ruins of an old roman temple). On Sunday we went to Batroun and drank some fresh made lemonade. Overall the weekend was a great opportunity to get away from the city and enjoyed a nice contrast to our busy and sometimes hectic life in Beirut. This week we got to know our neighbors and we were greeted with the reoccurring Lebanese hospitality we have seen so often here! Our first official service in Antillias on Thursday was a huge success and we all are looking forward to work with the boys.
by Benedicta